By: Kaylyn Sverker

I never understood    

 What captivates you             

 What draws you in 

Like a moth towards the flame 

Broken promises, hidden lies 

Take away the pain

The faint smell of smoke lingers off your lips        

A Baggy of pills is who you kiss 

Empty bottles scattered across the floor 

 I can't stand by to watch 

You  live like this anymore 

 Calling your name, it's no use 

It's all the same excuse

Not one truth.

I don't get the appeal 

Of sealing the deal              

With an accidental death 

Or hour and a half breaks taken on those steps 

Imagery burned in my brain

Laid across the couch, trying to speak with knotted tongues 

 Your far too young

To be this strung      

Playing those idiotic games  With incoherent brains. 

For a momentary escape 

Just to feel sane.            

 Sit back on the pillow        

 Do you feel it rushing through your veins?    

Are you taking part in seeing the awful ways             

What's making your brain turn to clay?     

Feeding into aggression 

Stealing prized possessions

 Just to Satisfy an empty obsession   

Rambling on the phone        

You can't be alone 

Heads been racing 

Hands shaking Endless cravings           

Your body bleeds 

Until insanity  

Ignoring every plea

Disregarding people's needs      

to want recovery  

You're too busy..  In too deep..    

You've lost all control

I can't take it no more 

Please tell me, I just don't understand, 

Is life really that bad?  That it drives you,  that mad??    ?    ?       

?      ?          ?               ?                 ?          ?      ?          ?               ?                 ?     ?      ?          ?               ?                 ?         ?    ?    ?       

?      ?          ?               ?                 ?          ?      ?          ?               ?                 ?     ?      ?          ?               ?                 ?          


By: Kaylyn Sverker


Your words sing songs, while mine breaks tune 

A golden touch, 

A laughter so bright

 A Pretty girl  

Everything that's true,  everything that's right. 

My own mirrored reflection, not to my liking 

A better body 

A new copy 

A new mind for the picking 

A new everything 

To be expensive like gold 

 rather than silver.

 To be a pretty girl 

worth fighting for 

Mother says i am filled with luck,

With a winning face

Worth big bucks 

“you would look better with a little makeup”. 


 To be a pretty girl

I'd be such a pretty girl 

just like you 

All of you. 

 wish to see 

An angels reflection 

Just for a day.  

To be a pretty girl. 

Just a pretty girl. 

Id make such a pretty girl 

Have I spoiled my luck?

Am i a pretty girl, now?
